Editor's Review of Interracial Dating Central

Overall SatisfactionA - Value For MoneyA - SupportA Ease of UseA Quality of MembersB+ SafetyB+ FeaturesA -

Interracial Dating Central is a dating site for single men and women of different ethnic backgrounds. There is no fee to register or view profiles.

Features you will find on the site are instant messaging, chat rooms, video chatting and see who viewed your profile. Another unique feature that Interracial Dating Central offers is a love coach that will review your profile and give you suggestions on how to improve your dating profile. Note that you will have to upgrade your profile to a paid membership to access most of these features. They offer monthly subscriptions that you can upgrade to.

The site provided a good amount of matches while doing a local search. We did find a few scammers on here, which is common on any dating site, so just be careful who you contact or give your information to. If the member looks too good to be true chances are it is.